[SA Crystallography] [Meetings in SA] [Crystallographic Links]

South African Crystallography and Structural Chemistry Groups

Previous Meetings in South Africa

WITS Structural Chemistry Group website University of the Witwatersrand Structural Chemistry Group
UCT Crystallography website University of Cape Town Crystallography Group
South African Structural Biology Initiative website South African Structural Biology Initiative
University of Natal X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory website University of Natal X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory
Rand Afrikaans University Crystal and Structural Chemistry website Rand Afrikaans University Crystal and Structural Chemistry
University of Stellenbosch: Structure and Properties of Molecules website University of Stellenbosch: Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction Laboratory
UP Structural Chemistry website University of Pretoria Structural Chemistry

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ECM-21 website The 21st European Crystallographic Meeting, Durban, 24-29 Aug 2003

ECM-21 photo Gallery
Indaba IV website Indaba IV : Patterns in Nature, Skukuza, 17-22 Aug 2003

Indaba IV is a satellite meeting of ECM-21
ANDM website African Neutron Diffraction Meeting, Pretoria, 21-22 Aug 2003

ANDM is a satellite meeting of ECM-21
AMRS website African Materials Research Society, 2nd International Conference, Johannesburg, 8-11 Dec 2003

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Crystallographic Links

IUCr website, South African mirror International Union of Crystallography website, South African mirror
European Crystallographic Association website European Crystallographic Association

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Molecule - click for a larger version Caracal-kitten - click for a larger version